Helloe! I'm a 2D Animator from Chile, and sometimes Game Developer (actually, Newgrounds got me into animation!) I post some personal cartoons and drawings every once in a while! Cheese and lizards are cool too. Bzzzztt!!

Antonio @Butzbo

Age 34

2d Animator

Santiago, Chile

Joined on 9/13/06

Exp Points:
12,074 / 12,090
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Vote Power:
7.49 votes
Police Lieutenant
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B/P Bonus:
9y 4m 16d

Butzbo's News

Posted by Butzbo - April 17th, 2016

Hello Newgrounders!!!

I haven't showed up around in a while; so It's time for another update on what I've been up to; which pretty much sums up to my upcoming game DINOMELT!!!


The first two 'worlds' are done, and I'm currently heading to the third world's structure (and 'final' in the version I'm developing). It's safe to say I'm getting pretty close around a 70% percent of completion for the web version. It's been a  long run so far, but I'm pretty hyped on how it's looking at the moment.

I've had the opportunity to test it on a few local GameDev events; which always brings so many new observations and looks at the game; So far the art style has been really well recieved; but I keep finding all sorts of details involving the controls and overall progression and difficulty of the game.

While I keep going; Here's a couple of new things (/these updates go also in the DevBlog page of the game :) )


One completely new add-on to the game is a new character called Fregg; a curious and crafty frog which will become really interested on the dangerous clay invasion which invades the cavern.

This frog will help you as a shop/inventor to upgrade your abilities; At some points on a few testing playthroughs, there was the need for an additional kind of collectible object to enrich the exploration experience of the game; 
which turned out to be Clay Orbs he can use to create new upgrades.


After that it was clear that it could be developed as a more involved part of the story, which motivated me to add some dialogue sequences along the game. This was a thing I juggled for a while; Since one of my motivations behind the game was to relate it to my (mostly silent) animated shorts, but at the end it seemed like an opportunity to experiment with a bit of dialog to enrich the story while not getting in the way of the gameplay.

And a "TRAILER" it's coming!!

It's about time I make a little more noise about the game! So I'm currently working on a trailer, including gameplay footage, and also a detailed animated segment; it's pretty motivating to make an elaborated sequence to go along with the game and put some energy into animating a scene after animating sprites for so long.


I'm hoping to launch it later THIS MONTH :D -
(EDIT - it's been taking a bit longer to edit properly, but I'm on it, should be a bit after Pico Day :) )

Posted by Butzbo - March 9th, 2016

Hello Newgrounds, here's a few protoplasms I've been working on;

Dinomelt BLOG

It took me way longer than it should to make it; but I created a Tumblr Blog specificly for notes on Dinomelt's design and process and also to work as an official active platform regarding the proyect.

There's a lot of smaller things (like sketches) I hadn't considered sharing on other platforms, so
considering the proyect has grown, and then shrunk and has overall taken way longer than expected over time; I just found it a good way to keep sharing content from the game while I keep working on it.

I've given up with deadlines, but it's not so far away; the version I will release consists in 3 areas (/'worlds') and 2 of them are complete, so I'd say it's more than 65% done. 



I just made an animation update on this short from 2014-2015, I was continuously hoping to improve the animation to include some segments in my next reel and because it was such a fun short to work on; specially because I've been getting the urge to work on another surreal short of this kind.

'Lizard Brain Freeze'Antonio VillamandosVimeo

Aaaand a Newgrounds T-shirt!

As you've probably seen; there's a New-Newgrounds t-shirt available with a tank design rescued from my Newgrounds 20th anniversary poster! I'm really glad to have worked on an actual Newgrounds wearable-thing, makes me wish to see more versions of the tank aswell :) , would be cool to have a collection of completely different Newgrounds Tank shirts by different artists...

AAAND that's all I have for now!











(well, shirts are a bit weird on characters without defined necks, heheh)

Posted by Butzbo - December 29th, 2015

Hello Newgrounds!
It's probably a good time to spread some recent 2015-ish things and announcements to conclude a pretty warped year with a round of GIFs ->>>

Just recently I had the fun of working with Ross Bollinger on episode 44 of the long-running pencilmation series!
It was cool to try something closer to stick characters for a change ->





Newgrounds 20th anniversary collab!!

It was a long project, but as you've probably noticed, it's finally out!
I made a segment for the amazing 25 part animation collab; 1999 to be exact, based on early Ng titles like Pico's School, Samurai Asshole, and the less remembered UFA.
Just have to add, what a magnificent collab; it's the kind of thing to get back to every once in a while, and for the first time ever I have a 'game/interactive' submission!



Speaking of GAMES; Development of my platformer DINOMELT has been staggered for a while because of work, but just recently I'm back at it creating scenarios and creatures!; here's a little sneak peek at some more clay beings!


While I've been stuck on other proyects; it has been a pretty good time to flesh out some ideas for the rest of the game, and reconsider the 'scope' of the proyect (turns out it's rarely as small as it looks at the beginning) so stay tuned!




'Sprouting Frog Waves'


OH, One more highlight of the year I just found out I hadn't mentioned here:


'Sprouting Frog Waves'; an earlier short I made originally for NATA'14 actually won a Festival award! on the Chilemonos animation festival; it was a surprising turn of events, and a pretty big thing for a short which started as a NATA's Novice Round animation originally sent with the main objective of pretty much learning the festival submission process.








So; while I've been able to experiment with a bunch of things  (like good-old-GIFs and the game) 2015 felt a bit  slower productive-wise, mostly because a few things are still in progress (ahem. DINOMELT!!) ...there's also a comic I made for print which I want to translate to upload properly...

2016 - THE FUTURE!!!

Early next year I plan on finally getting the Dinomelt version I want to share done; And my main goal for 2016 is pretty much focusing on getting seriously back into animated shorts which I have left aside for the most part this year...

Aaand well that was long! That said; thanks for reading and here's hoping for a blast of a new year for the Newgrounds!



Posted by Butzbo - October 25th, 2015

Hello Newgrounds!

Figured it was a good moment for an update on Dinomelt: I have the first area/"world" nearing completion, so before jumping completely to the rest of the game; I thought it was the right time for one more CALL FOR BETA-TESTERS!

I have updated the online demo, so if you have tried the original, you will now access the new one instead; I have a much larger area to explore, including a functional BOSS FIGHT! So the main priority for the time is to check the level design and the overall dificulty. 

If you haven't tried any and are interested, let me know in the comments or through PM and I'll be glad to invite you as a beta-tester! it's been great to count with feedback on the process.

Here's some background assets; with 'clay' being such a relevant part of the game; it was cool to explore how to introduce it to more 'organic' elements.


On a sidenote I made a little halloween-esque illustration for a local event in Santiago;  it was a fun concept to illustrate and I'm thinking about making an animated thing out of it.


Posted by Butzbo - September 24th, 2015

Hey Newgrounders!,

Here's my latest animated LOOP : 'Draw a Card'
Mostly inspired by Trading Card Games (Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon tcg, the more recent Hearthstone, and the list goes on...) this sort of moment when the game state just resets somehow, and it all comes to the excitement of  what will you draw next.

But wait, what's with the names? In case you were wondering here's a little backstory: 
Win (a frog) and Corn (a (noseless?) dog) were some of the FIRST characters I ever created as a kid (sometime around... ~1996?). they were just 2 guys who shared some pretty absurd adventures, in the line of many of 90s cartoons. I made a lot of comics with them and they had some sort of city/universe.


Oddly enough, I came up with the names because they just sounded like a cool combination of letters; it was long before I learned any english, and I still found them memorable enough to keep them. So, recently, Loop time (the Loopdeloop animation challenge) was coming again, so I had this idea of an endless sequence of two characters playing a fictional but still possibly 'familiar' card game, which was a cool excuse to bring them back in animated form.

(that's a REALLY old drawing at the right, there was also some sort of tomato kid)




Also I've always wanted to make creatures for a trading card game, could be a cool thing to work on, but not before getting done with my game-in-progress Dinomelt! As I mentioned on my last post I've been mostly working on the game, but it was a good excuse to take a break from that and get back to something more focused on animation (more updates on Dinomelt soon ;) )


Posted by Butzbo - September 13th, 2015

Hello Newgrounds!

It's time for another update on DINOMELT, my platformer game-in-progress!

As I mentioned on my last post, I'm beta-testing a Demo of the game, and still considering all the feedback I can get, so if you haven't tried it yet, I can send you a Beta-testing invite for the current demo right here on Newgrounds!(just tell me in the comments/pm)  While some things are already defined, there's still plenty of developing time left.

Also, thanks to all who have tested it!; It's been great to count with different visions of the game, and pretty useful technical feedback (the kind of stuff that as a developer you can't see anymore because you've been working and playing the thing for a few months already!)

Right now I'm finishing an elaborated version of one of the "worlds" of the game (including the first boss), so stay tuned for another update on the Beta-version to test soon!!

For now, I'll leave you with some of the many creatures I've been animating for the game, probably some of the most fun parts of the whole process:


I'm frequently asked about release dates, but if there's one thing I can confirm, is that my goal is to FINISH on 2015 so I hope to release it around the year's end. Since most of my productive/creative time has been headed to Dinomelt and work-related things; I already defined this year as more of a 'videogame year', BUT still; expect a slightly more ambitious animated loop to spawn around next week!

Posted by Butzbo - August 6th, 2015

Hello Newgroundewrs;

It's time to finally update on my game-in-progress: DINOMELT!

I have a functional level of the game including the main mechanics, and it's been a while since my last update on the matter, so as a way to keep things going (and since feedback is such a great force), I'm making an open call for beta-testers!

SO, if you're interested on giving it a try, just reply here saying that you are and I'll grant you Beta-tester access for the current version!. It comes with a small survey to test some aspects I hope to keep fleshing out in upcoming updates (difficulty, controls, information given to the player, etc), all sorts of feedback will be appreciated :)!

While the game had what I considered to be a not-so-big development scope, the process is taking a lot longer than originally expected, (which as far as I've seen is a pretty common thing for game development), so in the meantime here's some more footage of plastiline.


On an unrelated note, I wanted to give a little shout-out to @rubberonion Animation Podcast ; they've been uploading a pretty cool podcast for animation news and discussion on the Audio Portal, if that's your theme then that's great material to listen to while animating! :)

(also some root-guys)


Posted by Butzbo - May 18th, 2015

Why Hello Newgrounders ->

Just a few updates on multiple recent and not-so-recent things ->

I made a new 'Antenna Cheese' GIF COMIC, hoping to keep making these as long as I get enough ideas to fit this 'format'!

I'd say I'm still figuring it out, since in order to keep visual continuity, every 'pannel' should work as a small loop by itself; which means if an action has a clear beginning and end (like throwing a mucus-filled paper) it should repeat seamlessly to properly work within the comic, one problem is that it is usually percieved as an action realized multiple times rather than just once, which may or not be ideal for something that should happen only once. In any case, stay tuned for some more :).




Also hoped to elaborate a bit on my Pico Day Poster , which I haven't wrote much about. 

Considering on the ~9 years I've been around NG; I had never done anything for Pico day, so it seemed like a much obligated time to make this GIF-Poster!

It had a pretty unusual process; since I began just animating characters I wanted to include, but I wasn't completely sure of how it would look at the end; it was originally going to be an animated loop, but it lacked a bit of context, so instead I started gathering all characters on rows as an experiment of making a  moving 'poster', and it surprisingly started working!

The plan was to make 20 characters with the idea of 20 years, although I still think I could have included at least 10 more!, it would be fun to expand on this idea, maybe on a different format, still considering a game idea.

I think it's pretty cool when things that couldn't be considered animated graphic objects (a comic, a poster, a book cover, whatever) can easily turn into an animated design object through something as basic as an animated GIF.





IN OTHER NEWS; as I mentioned on my last post; I've been working on DINOMELT (working title)! 

A 2D platformer related to reptiles and clay!

Here's a microscopic spoiler "footage" of the actual layout, I'm hoping to put a lot into the animation of it.

I'd say it's ~30% percent done; I'm at the stage of level design, which takes a lot more than what I originally expected; but seems quite evident for an explorative platformer (/'Metroid-vania') where everything must be designed considering the player's progression.


Posted by Butzbo - March 15th, 2015

Hello, humans of the NewGrounds!

I've been on the works of many things lately (though a bit occupied by 'real' work at the same time), so it seemed like a much obligated time to make an update.

SO, first of all,  I'm working on a GAME!

This is a game I originally began making  at one of the chilean events of this year's Global Game Jam, it just began as an excuse to make some moving sprites and play a bit with the platforming features of Construct2. 
It never saw an 'uploadable' build. BUT, at the end of the jam it seemed like a fun side-proyect to keep improving mostly for practice in animation, game design and programming (or whatever you call it on C2).

It's a metroidvania-oriented platformer, for now under the title DINO-MELT, and that's as much as I can spoil right now (plus a sneak-peek picture below, visuals may not be definitive, but feedback is superb-ly appreciated!).

I can't tell any sort of release date (oher than "a month or two") but since it's mostly an experiment-game; I'm still keeping a relatively small scope and hoping to do a bit of dev-blogging on the next weeks to share bits of the process.

Bonus-snack-things :

Earlier on February, I made a SHEEEEEP for Lalo's Sheep Collab


Since Earth is still a relatively big planet; I won't be able to attend Pico day, BUT!, I'll upload a little related thing instead!

HERE'S a little comic-gif-experiment-thing.

AND; expect a relatively ambitious loop to be uploaded soon!

Posted by Butzbo - January 3rd, 2015

Hello Newgrounds :

I present you my latest animated short-thing which I made mostly for fun as a year's-end challenge. 




'Lizard Brain Freeze' 

A more surreal animation with a returning character I made for one of my NATA animations of this year ('Save the Sock'). 

I tend to use plenty of chiptune/"8bit" music and sounds in my animations, and had been looking for a while for an excuse to work with the track "Wind Chill' by Captain Tortilla . I first found the track on the album Wintertunes at Ubiktune (also a GREAT place to discover chiptune albums/artists).


It seemed like an appropiated way to close up a pretty good year for animation; I got to upload more stuff than ever, including Nata shorts, collabs and a few loops.


THE FUTURE (this year)!

So, what to expect in 2015?, probably some more shorts and loops, but for the first time: GAMES, at last!

Now in case you're curious here's a little backstory; this year I finally graduated from design school (Hooray!); and instead of focusing a particular design area (graphic, web, industrial, audiovisual, etc), my school had a big focus on the Design method, so the final proyect had many possible applications, which led to make a GAME through the design process. It's a relatively "educational" astronomy-related action game (consider 'educational' in the possibly less invasive way), I may elaborate some more later (and upload it if I get the time to fix some things and translate it to english), but for now here's a screenshot.

It was a great way to jump into game design and start from scratch in Construct 2, so I hope to upload AT LEAST some small games (maybe for jams) to get some more EXP through the year.


Other things: 

I made a Showreel with mostly works of last year.

And a small 2015 gif to begin the year ->
