Hey Newgrounders!,
Here's my latest animated LOOP : 'Draw a Card'
Mostly inspired by Trading Card Games (Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon tcg, the more recent Hearthstone, and the list goes on...) this sort of moment when the game state just resets somehow, and it all comes to the excitement of what will you draw next.
But wait, what's with the names? In case you were wondering here's a little backstory:
Win (a frog) and Corn (a (noseless?) dog) were some of the FIRST characters I ever created as a kid (sometime around... ~1996?). they were just 2 guys who shared some pretty absurd adventures, in the line of many of 90s cartoons. I made a lot of comics with them and they had some sort of city/universe.
Oddly enough, I came up with the names because they just sounded like a cool combination of letters; it was long before I learned any english, and I still found them memorable enough to keep them. So, recently, Loop time (the Loopdeloop animation challenge) was coming again, so I had this idea of an endless sequence of two characters playing a fictional but still possibly 'familiar' card game, which was a cool excuse to bring them back in animated form.
(that's a REALLY old drawing at the right, there was also some sort of tomato kid)
Also I've always wanted to make creatures for a trading card game, could be a cool thing to work on, but not before getting done with my game-in-progress Dinomelt! As I mentioned on my last post I've been mostly working on the game, but it was a good excuse to take a break from that and get back to something more focused on animation (more updates on Dinomelt soon ;) )
Why not try to "revive" some more of Win and Corn adventures?
They seem like a fun couple of "guys" on that animation loop.
Well, this one has gotten a good response so far, I'll see what I can do with this characters in a more involved story :).