Helloe! I'm a 2D Animator from Chile, and sometimes Game Developer (actually, Newgrounds got me into animation!) I post some personal cartoons and drawings every once in a while! Cheese and lizards are cool too. Bzzzztt!!

Antonio @Butzbo

Age 34

2d Animator

Santiago, Chile

Joined on 9/13/06

Exp Points:
12,074 / 12,090
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.49 votes
Police Lieutenant
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B/P Bonus:
9y 4m 16d

Butzbo's News

Posted by Butzbo - November 24th, 2024

Hello, ghosts and morphing creatures from Newgrounds!

At the end of OCTOBER, I uploaded the third installment on the Curse of the Sock (COTS) games: Lair of the Missing Sock

Another small demo quest, as per usual I wanted to spill some of the process from idea to finished game, as a quick 'post-mortem' of sorts, if this seems interesting, here we go!


I had been slacking on the Halloween games after missing both 2022 and 2023 -OH NO!-, so it seemed like a decent time to get back with a new one,

Gamedev-related time has been either low or more focused on other projects such as Bounce Castle -more updates soon!- but jam-like events like this one are usually a superb possibility to scratch the eventual small-game-project itch.

And of course, PIXELS!

By now I've been about a year learning and practicing pixel art with the wonders of Aseprite, which has really become a refreshing twist, so my main goal with this one was to finally make a functional pixel art game.


Previous COTS games had different genres (1st one a platformer, 2nd one a top down zelda-ish dungeon crawl), so I made a list of variants to try (RPG? -intriguing but time consuming- Racing? unusual, but fun to experiment), but after replaying the first COTS I thought of a few things that could be improved on it, so why not just revisit 2d platforming but a bit more cohesive overall?

"Buuut isn't it a bit repetitive to make another Castlevania-like platformer?"

And the answer is... perhaps (YES), but with the condition of both going for a pixel art game and the challenge of expanding on variety and try a more 'themed' level (in contrast to the previous ones which were more "miscellaneous horror"), seemed fun enough for a revisit to 2d platofrming in the Construct3 engine.

SO, by October 9, I had finally defined what to do and began porting Cherp to the realm of tiny squares:


I really like the variety of paths you can take when compressing a character towards a lower res, the first one was funny but quickly realized it was a bit too big for a main character and could end up making everything more complex overall, so went scaling it down over time.

Odd fact: on the first version I gave him a shield as it was a fun complement, buuut quickly realized it should have an use somehow; a 'block' command would be interesting, akin to some 'soulslike-metroidvania' games such as Salt and Sanctuary, but with the limited time I prioritized keeping it simpler here, so farewell shield for now, oh well :( .


I still wanted to add some 'reach' of sorts with a projectile, either a weapon or spell, and went with Ghost of the First Sock as a more present character within the level (on the previous game it was just a bit of a miscellaneous-advice-companion of sorts). So instead of adding weapons to throw -which would have been the most Castlevania thing to do in this case- I went for a bullet which would charge while fighting, that way melee combat remains the primary option but you get a projectile for the trickier foes.


This felt more fresh, although as many 'new' ideas, I then realized it's not that rare of a mechanic, Hollow Knight and Death's Door have similar mechanics where you build up power through melee combat, but it can always be pushed to a more unique direction.


So this game borrows from classic enemy archetypes adapted to a garden-like level, the basic 'walk forward' ghoul, the shooting 'turret', a trickier enemy which shoots in arcs, and of course, the ANNOYING BIRD, aswell as a not-as-friendly-as-it-looks little worm.

Miscellaneous concepts:


Actual in-game sprites:


I was considering bringing back Globomia from the previous game as a secondary flyer, but the pattern was a bit bland and it wasn't working out so well, so it was left out, sorry, buddy!



When I first planned this demo, one early idea was to focus a bit more in a BOSS-RUSH style of progression, so each level was a new part of the Lair (Garden, Hall, Library, Machine room...) with a small stage followed by a boss encounter... Buuut that was getting a bit out of hand for a 1-month jam, so instead, it's technically one 'Area' -Cursed Garden- divided in 3 levels, with a boss at the end.

Level design is a rather tricky one for jams, I usually tend to try variable layouts in terms of direction (more horizontal, more diagonal, etc), and once a playable level of boxes is functional, then I'll test where to add enemies and types of platforms in a way that hopefully remains fresh, so that the 2nd time you face an enemy, there has to be something different to mix-up the challenge.

I usually start with (WARNING!) super rough sketches like this one:



For this courtyard level I liked the idea of a gardening/shoveling ghost. Boss design has been of my favourite parts to create a variable challenge, with a degree of randomness but -hopefully- enough feedback to make the player react accordingly to each of the attacks.

The boss in the first COTS had both a weird hitbox, and suffered from being easily exploitable overall, so this was a chance to improve it aswell with a pattern that covered the whole arena.



Once again my composer pal Moralo Gonzalez was up to the task with a new level and boss theme, both intended to be very NES/GAMEBOY sounding and delivered just in time!

Sound was all done with the classic BFXR, I normally mix it with other sources /real sounds/ but here it made sense to keep it all limited.


This is one part I would have liked to elaborate more, I actually had a 'script' of sorts on how game-2 connects to game-3 with an illustrated cutscene, but one of the challenges I found of making a pixel art game in limited time is that Illustrations take a bit too much time for a game jam (just this one below took 1-2 hours and it isn't as polished either, oooff).


so I ended up dropping it for a -still somehow 'classic'- scrolling micro backstory.


And finally, on an eerie night of October 31, Lair of the Missing Sock went up, and actually, no major bugs! so that's a relief of sorts, phew!

I'm quite glad with the feedback on Newgrounds -as always!- style and tone has been well received, and seems to be a more fluent experience than the previous 2 games.

As things to improve, is not an especially innovative entry in terms of mechanics, and it got me thinking a lot about how to further expand it, both by experimenting further with the GHOST POWERS, aswell as improving player controls, both in accessibiliy -button mapping for pc- but also on smoothness, as a few responsiveness details come up from time to time.


Of the 3 'COTS' game demos, this is the one I'm more interested in polishing: having more 'thematic levels'; while rather standard, makes it much more interesting level-design wise, is something that I can keep improving on and elaborate with story elements, but for now, one must return to the world of 'regular schedule'. In the meantime, Bounce Castle, where I've been developing art with Robot Monkey Brain, continues through development, so expect updates on it soon!

And that's about it for now! thank you for reading up to this point, hopefully this was somehow interesting, feel free to comment of any sort -game, mechanics, design, coffee, lizards-. More sprouting creatures approach in the meantime and until then, may your socks remain comfy during these final weeks of the year.




Posted by Butzbo - January 1st, 2024

Creatures from Newgrounds!

I thought of using this blog-style format to just spill some gaming thoughts. I played a decent amount of games in 2023 so why not highlight a few memorable ones: I don't have plans of doing anything like a video-essay anytime soon, so this will have to do, as brief impressions/commetary, it's not a 'Best of' or anything like that, but overall all of these are games I both enjoyed and recommend (Art portal post).


Pokemon TCG (gb)

This one came out re-released for the Nintendo Switch, it may sound absurd being a port of the Card-game port of the original Pokémon games so it may seem like it was just a cashgrab at first, however, it's surprisingly well executed. You live in this pixellated utopia where every human is obsessed with Pokémon cards. You customize your deck at will to challenge dozens of players to beat the champions, go collecting, trading and playing to earn the Shiny Legendary Cards, What more could you ask for?

The pixel art is awesome and so is the music (really, check out the music!).


Final Fantasy VI (Pixel Remaster version)

I was looking forward to re-playing this one and good thing I did! it's 'classic-style' RPG at it's finest, a strong story with magnificent characters and remains my favourite of the series (close to FF7 and FF9). Characters cast, including the magnificent villain are what make the game -I'll probably get back to draw a bunch of them- similar to Chrono Trigger, FF6 comes from a time where RPGs finally begin making more complex/layered characters, which especially shows on a point where the whole party splits apart and many of them develop a backstory of their own, it really leaves you wanting more.

Music (surprise?) is among the best of the series, it has a bombastic-teathrical(?) feel that heightens the whole adventure.



This adventure game has you play with the memorable duo of humans: John, adult jack-of-all-trades (and great cook), and Sam, the mysterious girl with magical abilities on their quest of surviving the day-to-day errands on their underground town and then, of course, explore an endangered outside world.

It reminded me a lot of Mother 3 in overall story, humor and the development of a BIG cast of characters. The pixel-art, not only in aesthetic but also in animation is on a whole other level here. If you're interested I'd just keep in mind that the pacing is not the most regular, it often switches to loonger story-cutscenes in between the adventuring segments.

BONUS: This game has a 'mini-game' you can play at most towns called Earthborn (sounds familiar?) which is an excellent rogue-lite RPG, I was honestly surprised with it's depth. (also comes with great music)


Death's Door

An awesome Zelda-ish action-adventuring game with satisfying combat, cartoony characters and humor, and a good deal of darker themes as you explore each of the main bosses areas, it's kind of what we've come to expect from a good and stylized indie action game, but I mean that in the best way possible: it speaks for itself and delivers a fun and polished experience.

(music is great too).


F-Zero 99

F-Zero has returned!... Not as many of us expected, but still, this one is high on adrenaline and surprisingly well executed, It revisits the Super Nintendo style of flat courses, but polished in every aspect as you race against 99 players at insane speed.

It seems hard to innovate in racing games and the simplicity of this one's mechanics really make you appreciate the execution, you're always trading life/power for speed, and oftentimes risking exploding(!) just to finish the race, which is what inspired this drawing. It's one of my favourite examples of a risk-reward system.

(music comes from the original game, which is great too).


Long Gone Days

This is an unusual indie RPG in that it has a contemporary setting (No magic!?) but instead it's heavily focused on the effects of war on our world.

I don't want to spoil much since it's strong on story and plot-twists. It's a well-polished experience which I highly recommend if you're looking for a character-driven RPGs with a potent timely message. While you deal with the more serious aspects of the conflict, there's plenty of sidequests which cover some (quite relatable) tangential Npc stories which is where this more casual dog scene comes from.

(music is great too, and interestingly as it has some post-rock elements which I don't recall hearing much in game music in general).


And Finally, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Probably the most well known of the bunch so I don't think there's much to add about this one, a complete sequel to Breath of the Wild, and a great direct sequel at that, which is not something we see as often.

I could have drawn a huge crafted construct, but there's one simple part I remember quite well from the first hours which is the first time you have to use the 'Zonai Wing', with (as far as I recall) little to no explanation, there's some unique adrenaline of testing out this new means of transport out of pure intuition, and one that becomes key to the whole game's exploration.

(music is great of course, I do wish there were more new tracks in general, but the main theme and final battle tracks are especially great still)


I could go on for hours on each of those, but that's probably enough, this was fun to draw and write, and hopefully fun to read aswell, actually let me know if it was, so I may perhaps repeat it on the future. What were YOUR memorable games played on the year? Did you play/are planning on playing any of these?

Here's to a 2024 plentyful of magnificent video-gaming entertainment!



Posted by Butzbo - December 10th, 2023


Creatures and Molecules from Newgrounds!

Time for a bonus post to promote some recently open Comissions Slots! if anyone's interested in a bonus creature or portrait, either a christmas gift (or .gif!) or a customized creature card for your own enjoyment (;

All of the info H E R E.



Also, Pixel-Art!

If you've seen my more recent Art Portal creatures, I've gotten moderately (or more) obsessed with pixel-art -I wonder if it's a phase we go through at some point?-, there's something really unique about the way a creature's details and movement translate to a small resolution canvas. I even started to try out a liiittle goofy game idea as a quick test:





Posted by Butzbo - July 4th, 2023

Helloe, molecular creatures from Newgrounds!!

A bit since my last update here, but always fun to return to such a comfortable corner from the internet, on my end of the breakfast, here's a few recent cereals:


Something I started not long ago and I'd like to do a bit more is commissioned illustrations/animations, these also help out a lot with the indie-projects side of things. I previously opened Dog portrait Commissions (cats/turtles/others still apply), and recently added a new category if anyone's interested in custom cards (also known as tokens in games like Magic), take a look:



Pocket Monsters - Pokégrounds collab!

I made a microscopic musical tribute for the collab, with help from my composer buddy Moralo González, Pokémon is one of those (by now) timeless franchises I still get back to from time to time, like a sticky brain snail which remains a constant influence.


I don't have as much time for fanart/tributes nowadays, but these are always fun to freely goof around for a while, shout-outs to @scottwjsm for inviting/organizing ;)

Bounce Castle!

Now this is something I hadn't updated about in a while, I've been continuing on the art department for the game Bounce Castle from Robot Monkey Brain!


So it's time for a little plug of sorts:

Steam Page is up, with more gameplay on it and also a shiny Wish-list button!

There's now a Discord and an available playtest version you can request to try out! feedback is huge at this point of development.

Aaand that's about it, now excuse me while I go catch up with the Frontpage (:





Posted by Butzbo - August 31st, 2022

Hello Newgrounds!!1one

First update in AGES, it's always fun to publish back to these lands once in a while, this remains an awesome and comfortable 'blog-like' platform, so here's a few updates in form of molecular noodles:


So I just uploaded this little coffee animation, some time ago I was super regular making loops for the Loopdeloop animation challenge, and over time I do miss the frequent practice and creative brainstorming of those, SO, inspired by my own regular (maybe slightly more than regular?) coffee consumption, I made a little tribute to this legendary beverage!


So this is more of an experiment: in order to get a little support for my next bigger animation project (more on that below?) I opened "Dog commissions!" over Ko-Fi, pretty much a goofy portrait of your dog* in the style you've gotten used to, and also in the line of my short Dogs of the Planet., it can even be animated and with whatever extra ideas you'd like to add!! (a sword, a platinum dog, your dog playing the tuba, etc)

*Also, not restricted to dogs, cats, serpents, mouses are all good too!!

Take a L O O K


Aand Short film!?

Because one good first step is actually announcing it, I've been on the lab going through ideas for shorts, and I'm finally making more progress with one of the bunch, actually inspired -out of all things- by the recent experience of playing a good old tabletop RPG, also known as Dungeons & Dragons! I've been making a bunch of creatures for the game, and in the meantime thinking of a more "adventure" oriented short, here's some of the D&D creatures:


And here's a super early scenery concept, I plan on slowly showing a few things, we'll see where it goes! :)



And because why not, a question for the Newgrounds community: Do you like coffee? are you a consumer, an enthusiast? or maybe you can't stand it? okay that's probably enough.

The end! (for now)



Posted by Butzbo - July 27th, 2022

Humans and Bugs from Newgrounds!!1

This is just a speedy frog-spread to share around this shirt design I submitted for TheYetee

Available only TODAY (WOOOW!?) And it's CLOSED!- but thanks to any who got it :) - If you missed and would like to get one somehow it would be still good to know to try out other web store alternatives eventually.


I you've ever wanted a froggy t-shirt (and support my animated molecules in the process), it may be a good day for that!!

Once in a while I get asked if I'll ever make T-shirts, so this is at least a start. it's an update of a previous Frog Squash design I made for a Chrono fan album.

Haven't made much of a proper NG update for now, but there are a few molecules in the way ;)




Posted by Butzbo - November 27th, 2021

Skulls and Bats from Newgrounds!

At the end of October I web-released 'Tower of the Missing Sock'

It's a bit late but as usual I like to spill a few words about it's little developent, hoping that's kiiind of interesting, let's go!


Last year I made Curse of the Sock, a 2D platformer which was super inspired by my attempts at beating the insanely hard Castlevania III.

This past October, similarly I wasn't so busy with freelance work; I was also in a bit of an art block and not drawing as much. sooo when that happens: Why not try making a thing for the Newgrounds Spooktacular?

So halfway through October I had to decide on an idea if I actually wanted to finish something!

> Idea 1 Witch-themed fetch quest with mini-games, there was potential for fun weirdness so maybe I'll revisit it in another time.

> Idea 2 Direct sequel to 'Curse of the Sock', I liked how it went last year, a 2d platformer can grow in many directions (+abilities, more exploration!)

> Idea 3 Same as 2, BUT, trying out a different gameplay. Maybe something like a "Zelda" dungeon? something that would also be more refreshing to work on.

The last one felt much more interesting, so... Sure why not!

I like how Zelda and other adventure/rpg games usually come with a horror element even if it's subtle, which fits pretty well with the Dungeon setting. I was playing a good bunch of A Link to the Past during the process, which helped out a lot to analize more critically how these classic games keep things interesting with all the different types of enemies, bosses and obstacles.

Once again I got back to Construct3 for programming. shout-outs to one of their included templates called Demonoire which comes with a good amount of issues solved for this kind of game, so while I went mixing and taking bits from my previous games, this one was a great reference (especially for the light/shadows effects which I think add a lot!).


With these games I love starting with the creatures, so I sketched a bunch, here's a few of the first round of them.


I had to narrow it down so the chosen ones were based on their possible behaviours (enemies with melee attacks, other with projectiles...), and also bringing back a couple from chapter 1. I liked a few that didn't make it, though, maybe some day we'll see Walking Lamp and Furious Fly.


Revisiting Cherp

Cherp is back for this chapter: Last year I turned him into a cursed skeleton to match the theme. This time when sketching out the sprites, the skeleton design was more complex than what I wanted for this top down view, so I went back to his normal form.

Here's a quick look at an early build testing the character's actions before animating:


I made a little 'process' video of Cherp's animation HERE



Around Oct 27 I had most of it working and it was time once again to begin with the levels!

The level design process here was pretty much doing these messy sketches trying out different kinds of layouts and figuring out how to introduce each new enemy/obstacle over time:


I did want the game to be easily finished in one sitting, so 3 'floors' (4 including the boss) seemed like a good spot for a short web game.

One difference to previous games is that here I used contained separated rooms, which was a lot more manageable to work than a larger areas.

[SPOILERS?] Boss time!

It's a TV! I wanted to have some weird moment of suspense where the game tone changed to something unexpected so I really liked this idea of a TV you could "watch" for a little bit. I had a lot of ideas for weirder clips for the channels -I'll save those for later- but ended up just getting gifs of old animations as mini-cameos.


Making the boss' pattern is one of the most entertaining bits, especially when it's the first one you make for an engine so there's a ton to explore. Some attacks were more straightforward (bullets, spinning beams), while others were more inspired by the 'cursed tv' concept, such as the 'tv static-bombs', and the spinning-bouncing attack.


My composer pal Moralo Gonzalez was once again up to make a new OST, so we have this process where I send him a little 'briefing' with ideas for each track, some 'dungeon-like' themes I liked for inspiration, with the focus of making a dangerous-but-adventurous dungeon main theme, he made the awesome level track which is great for the dungeon as a longer loop (around 1m 40s!).


This bit was of the last parts I settled on. I just knew I had to follow where the goofy story from part 1 left of, with the small twist of turning the 1st sock into a little 'sock fairy' to have some kind of 'companion' for a small bit of party dialog.

I also had this goofy idea for an ending "punchline" about the towers' sign, and with the absurd tone of the game I just went for it. Maybe that final item you get may play a part next time...?

Cut content?

Considering the dungeon setting I had some additional ideas to include a liiittle bit of exploring -maybe more traps/items/upgrades, maybe even a puzzle in between, being able to go back and forth, maybe more bosses, maybe...- but as usual I had to keep it simple if I wanted to make a game in a couple of weeks. o_O


In an eerie night of Oct 31, the Tower of the Missing Sock appeared!

Web-releasing a game rarely comes without issues or bugs, especially with a deadline event where you keep on tweaking things until the last hours. This one had a few but thankfully nothing was sooo broken:

1- Attack Hitboxes weren't doing great at first. Many times they didn't hit when they were supposed to. I originally used a rotating hitbox but it wasn't matching the animation so well, so I ended up reworking the hitbox manually from scratch.


2- If both the player and the boss died at the same time, a bunch of triggers happen and the game starts behaving strangely! (you would get back to the checkpoint, but controls would be locked, oh no!)

So after launch I made a few updates, improved a little of the players' speed (although not as much as that would have needed more rebalancing in other parts), and a few of the usual updates like a language button for ESPAÑOL ;)

As always I'm super thankful for the reviews/feedback you can get here on NG, I read all of them. Also, the game got 3rd place on the Halloween Spooktacular, Hooray!

To be continued?

And there you have it! With these short games, I don't usually continue with them to the point of making a direct sequel so it was fun to actually follow up in some way. Similar to Chapter 1, this one is not really focused on creating a particularly new gameplay or mechanic, but more so exploring and goofing around with a well defined genre, I think it makes you appreciate the small details which made the classic games so fascinating.

Since this one ends up with a lead for a next chapter, I'm already thinking of the possibilities of a chapter 3, maybe even trying out another game genre!

We'll see if Curse of the Sock returns next year, Until then, may you find your missing socks.




Posted by Butzbo - March 14th, 2021

Hey Newgrooounds!!!

Sooo at the end of February I released my latest (interactive) animation for the NG Flash Forward Jam!

With the jam concluded I thought It'd be fun to spread some brain cells about it:

Flash Jam!

The Jam was announced late last year, and it got me intrigued on what to make. While I've used Flash to animate for so long (10+ years!), my experience making more interactive stuff on it is pretty limited (the games I've updated here over the last years have mostly been done with the Construct3 engine (HTML5) which is something completely different).

Since the main focus was to make something that took advantage of Flash' features in some way. I focused on defining what was the most I could do with the limited coding (Actionscript 2) knowledge I had. When I'm creatively stuck I like to come back to this concept of letting Restrictions breed creativity (quote I read from Mark Rosewater, Magic: The Gathering's Lead Designer). The restriction in this case: having only this basic knowledge about buttons to control animated scenes, so that's how I went for this little choice-based adventure, focusing much more on the animation side of things, which was also a good excuse to get me back into animating something.


(One scan I found where I brainstormed a few ideas)

I also remembered I tried to make something like this before in the loong gone 2010, here's a secret unfinished project (ZOMG!):


An over-simplified 'RPG' battle with the catch that different choices either damaged you or the enemy in different increments. I think it had some potential, but I grew bored of it and didn't get far.


For the main character I chose Bollo, some sort of Onion Person (Onionoid, Onion-folk...?).

It's not his first appearance as he's been on a few animated loops I've made previously for the Loopdeloop challenge. Seemed like one of my characters which I could animate the quickest, which was convenient considering there wasn't as much time.

Here's a previous Bollo GIF:


The overall "story" (route) planning was a result of looking for unexpected desicions, so my main priority was to keep it fresh introducing new types of choices every time (doors, weapons, actions, etc). Everything has a weird logic and I guess the game gets away with it as it is forgiving taking you back to the last choice when you fail.


(Here's a super rough early diagram of the main path)


My composer pal Moralo Gonzalez was on board with the idea, so when planning the sequences, I sent him a track list for the different moods during the animation (dungeon, battle, magic, dragon, etc.), since the animation is fast paced, all are brief loops, around 10 seconds each, with this forced restriction of simplicity, he actually made them super quick! so by mid January I had a defined animatic of all scenes and was ready to animate.

However, January was pretty busy with animation work (and I also helped host a Global Game Jam location!) so the deadline extension to February were magnificent news! (otherwise this would have been waaay shorter).

While it is a quick experience, there was still a reasonable volume of animated scenes (16 total, around 2m 15s ), as this was mostly made in February, it meant animating roughly 1 scene every 1-2 days so I had to be consistant. Leaving the last few days for backgrounds (not my proudest part, but serviceable) and sound, where I had some hours to to search for a few sounds, also use the classic Bfxr to create others, and also record a few homemade sounds too.

And at last, managed to upload in time on the 28th!

Cut content?

If any inquiring minds wondered why is there a blocked/crumbled door right at the start, that's because it was considered as a whole alternative route!



I actually had some decent progress on this Route B before scrapping it in favor of a a better finish on everything else. So while it won't be so soon, I have plans of finishing that extra route, there were some fun segments on it (and I'm also sitting on a few unused music tracks).


Sooo, How did Flash do in 2021?

Flash was a super convenient tool for this kind of project: Simple button interactions to control animated scenes, and a surprise 'mini-game' at the end. And all done in the same place! I really like how fast and flexible it is to make any object integrated as a Button, or use 'Movie Clip' objects to keep an object animated even if the scene is frozen (used for the choice scenes), and it's easy to add all kinds of details for a better presentation, such as the animated pointer cursor.

While I don't expect to make much more complex games with Flash, it would be fun to revisit it for more things in this line.

Also the performance with the Ruffle emulator (which allows Flash games to work in 2021!) is great, and the fact that it works on mobile is a big plus.

And that's all I have for today! Despite being a bit of an endurance, this was a pretty fun project to get me back into animating more freely. Also it's been amazing to see the results of the Flash Forward Jam, some great quality stuff that really makes you respect this unique piece of software and its legacy, so why not go and play more Flash games?


And of course, brain-toasting thanks all who checked it out, and to the Judges for the award as top Movie with Interactive Elements!!!1uno




Posted by Butzbo - November 10th, 2020

Hellooo Newgrounds!

At the end of October I web-released 'Curse of the Sock'! a spooky short 2d platformer for the Halloween Spooktacular.

I recently made a last update with some last tweaks, so it's a good time to give it a try!

This was a fun process so I just thought I'd dump part of my brain cells into a recap post, I hope it sounds interesting, let's go!


So halfway through October I was low on freelance work so I wanted to try to make something Halloween-esque, either an animation, or in the most ambitious case, a game. I began sketching a bunch of grotesque/semi-spooky creatures which could eventually fit into whatever I decided to make.



While I wasn't sure I eventually decided to goof around with Construct3 to see if I could get the basic elements working for a 2d action game, I had been playing a lot of Castlevania 3 (still can't beat that monstruosity!) and been wanting to do something in that line: A linear medium-paced platformer with combat elements. It didn't took long on Construct to prototype the most basic actions, I also wanted to add something I hadn't done before, so my personal "innovation" was... LADDERS!


The enemy characters I made before were good fits as enemy sprites, so after that I mostly focused on getting a main character working. While I can be an animation freak I tried restricting myself to limited frames on the main character, so instead of a 12 frames idle or walking animation, I ended up just doing 4, while it's faaar from fluent, I actually liked some of the 'snappy-ness' of the results.


Another thing I hadn't tried in games was a character with a 'melee weapon', most of my games have been projectile based so this was a bit new. I managed to get the concept of a basic disjointed hitbox on Construct as spawned boxes, while this can be polished a lot more for precission I think it worked well overall.


Flash forward a bit and by October 29: I had most of the player and enemies working, but no real levels! so I finally began sketching them out, I don't have much of a 'formula' for level design, so for me it's pretty much looking for ways to introduce and mix each new enemy and hazard, trying to leave something unique for each level. I aimed at making 6 levels, which looking back was a bit insane, even if they were short by 2d gaming standards, and finally decided to make 4 and a boss-only level, phew.


One of the super rough sketches I make when designing a level.

With the levels working I moved toward the extras from the priority list and found some extra time on the remaining hours of Oct 31 to both add a (visually and mechanically) simple boss fight, along with a story sequence, so that this weird nightmare made at least a liiittle bit of sense. A friend also helped me testing it out on a few versions trying to reduce both the unfair moments and exploits.

I also got help from my pal Moralo González who was again up to the challenge making a haunting organ song, there wasn't time for more level tracks but considering the length, one main theme with variations did the job.

It was a bit of an endurance, kind of a game jam but more spread out during 2 weeks so, mostly focused on the final one, and I uploaded in time here on Newgrounds!


I'd say I released the game in a functional and beatable state, but as usual it didn't go aaas smooth as planned, there was a good amount of issues!

So I went updating these details through the following days:

Unfair enemy placements - There were a few 'cheap' scenarios where you couldn't land without taking a hit because an enemy would just stick there to attack you.

Broken ladders - Ladders had hitboxes I didn't get to fully test, these could even trick you and make you fall to your doom instead of a platform, OH NO!! (we didn't find this when testing, just because we were used to just get off the ladder by jumping, goes to show, there's always room for more varied testing)


No Checkpoints? - While not a technical issue, this "oldschool" difficulty was on the higher side, and just for added challenge I released it with no checkpoints, you had the beat the whole level in one go! While achievable, this was asking a lot considering many enemies require some practice to learn their movement.

I could go on and on with more technical things, but that should give you an idea.

I just want to add how awesome the community feedback has been here, always great to find reviews detailing common and something super specific issues of the game, I read them all!!

LAST UPDATE (of the 'Demo' at least)

So finally last Sunday I made the last -unless something super breaks- update of the game! A good amount of things smoothed out, a little bit of maniac polish (like an extra idle animation if you wait, a blink here and there), visually hinted checkpoints, an 'ending' sequence, Language (Spanish) toggle, and even a little hidden passageway (more of an easter egg)!

And that's Curse of the Sock! As usual I'd like to see how it does, could be manageable as another project I could expand beyond the Demo, also let me know if you make a let's play video or something like that, those are always fun!

Any eventual updates will probably have to wait now because after the personal-project-weeks it's time to get back to work. Lulz.





Posted by Butzbo - September 25th, 2020

Hey Newgrounds!

Time for another update to elaborate more on my recent animated stuff if you're into that.

'Wandering Cloudlings'

Just released this 'chilling' sunset animation, this one began as a loopdeloop GIF from last year, which I really liked, so here it is a year later in a larger form! I asked my pal Moralo González to make a 'chilling' track to complement it, that's all I told him as I wanted him to take liberties doing his thing, and he ended up with this smooth -80s sounding as he described it- jam, you can find it here! https://moralogonzalez.bandcamp.com/

Similar to 'Dogs of the planet', it's another GIF which I ended up liking enough to want to expand on into a more elaborated piece. I've been liking this idea of making a fast animation test for a challenge/contest, and then later expand on them as larger projects. It was also a fun distraction to animate a bunch of different clouds-characters without worrying about making much sense.

FFVII COLLAB! 'Chocobo for 3'

I guess most NG folks are aware of this one already but I made a part for this massive collab! It's at 28:45 on the official collab, or here standalone on the Youtubes:

I have barely made any parody stuff, but as a long time Final Fantasy player (at least most of the first 10 mainline titles) I was excited to join in!! It took me a whiiile to decide on what to make because the game is massive with a lot of iconic characters, I had a few alt. ideas, like a spoof of the minigames of the Golden Saucer, and making fun of Sephiroth's Super Nova attack, but to make it more achievable I just decided to focus on a silly spoof with Chocobos, which I'm a fan of.

What happens to the rest of the party when Cloud rides a Chocobo, Do all 3 characters ride on it? do each of them get a Chocobo?, Or do they just get on Cloud's pocket? That was the starting idea, and I'm actually curious if the next part of the FFVII remake will answer that.

Shoutouts! to @frootlupin for helping out with voices, I was going to make it silent as more usual with my animations, but halfway through I realized voices could help push it a lot more, he did an awesome job with some expressive lines and also fun grunts and screams. Also shoutouts once again to my pal Moralo González on the music department with his remixes of a few themes.

And that's all for now! Funny how different these 2 projects are in comparison.

For curiosity and fun, it's cool to hear what NG folks think, Anything from these animations (or other of my works) you'd like to see more of?

Butzbo out!
