HEY, LOOK!, here's my third animation for NATA 2013 ; Electric Brain-Spaghetti
I can tell it went A LOT more experimental than the last one; I wanted to use a different visual style in some bits that I had not used since my older short 'The Cosmic Fork', and also take a different approach with the sound (courtesy of a fantastic piece of software called Bfxr).
This one got really hard to finish due to plenty of final exams having an atomic-planetary-congregation (and having one of the final design exams on the same exact day as the deadline didn't help either).
At the end, I had an amount of time similar to the one i had with 'The Fish Tower', which at least was enough to finish it to an upload-able level.
Other than that, I'm finally getting closer to winter vacations, which means some BONUS time to finish and upload many... unfinished and not-uploaded things. HUH.
Here's my TUMBLR for the eventual gif-update breakfast.