Hey Newgrounds!
First of all, thanks to all who've played through and taken the time to review Dinomelt!, the response has been great over its featured weeks on Newgrounds and I've been paying close attention to all the feedback so far.
If you enjoyed the game (or if you're into OST collection, because why not), you can now get the Dinomelt's OST, by the coolibert Moralo Gonzalez on Bandcamp right now!! It's on "Name your price" mode, but consider supporting his music work by throwing a bit more than 0$.
Making the OST was a pretty unique part of the process, since it's among the few development tasks I didn't produced, but got some 'directing' to do instead; I had worked with Moralo before on numerous UNI works on Design School (most notably my first 'released game' Mastica Astros), but so far Dinomelt is the biggest project we've worked on in terms of scope and required music volume.
Proposing each track was an unusual challenge to get into, as the "Explorative Platofmer" genre comes with pretty unique musical needs in terms of ambientation, the biggest challenge being defining the 'world themes'; as the player is more likely to spend a lot more time into each area; which meant that the world tracks made by Moralo had to offer a lot of variety, while consistently covering an atmospheric mood of each area, something that doesn't apply to the rest of the OST which covers the boss battles, conversation themes, and later story-based tracks towards the Endgame. For a 'relatively short' game, we're pretty glad to have finished with a final volume of 14 tracks on the game! (well, maybe 11 if you don't count the brief 'fanfare'-type tracks).
I also made a little cover for your ocular absorption.
Atmospheric as hell and embodies the charm of the game and art, am gonna have fun working to this.
Awesome!, it took us many tries for the themes to fit the tone and atmosphere, we actually analized other games like Super Metroid just to get a better idea of the music structure (even if it isn't nearly as dark or isolating as that game).