Hello Newgrounds!
After more than 2 years of melting development, I can at last announce that DINOMELT, is up!!
Here goes the final Release Trailer!
One thing to note, is that it did come with a buggy start (the game had a few (hopefully only) "1st day-bugs" which triggered at times when NG medals were requested, making the music go away, and even making the game crash!! (oh peanuts!), turns out, it especially affected users without accounts, which may seem like an obvious thing to consider, but it was never tested in that context on NG until launch) it should be running well by now, so give it a go! (but if anything comes up, please consider sending me a PM with the details :)).
In that sense, I expect this game to keep evolving for a more 'complete' version, so all feedback is welcome.
That said, thanks to all who have played it so far, reviewed and reported bugs! (and huge thanks to Tom for the frontpage feature! :O).
Now that I can finally call this stage 'done', I'll be making posts regarding the process of the game and the multiple alpha-beta-stages, also, let me know if there's anything about the game's process that you'd be interested on reading about!
Last week, I made a game called 'DUCKS' for the C3 JAM, it was great to make something that was NOT a platformer for a moment, and focus on simple duck-creatures and obstacles. I have a lot of stuff to write about that one (and also about using the C3 beta) but I'll be leaving that one for next week!!
It's finally here! Played it for a bit earlier and really loving it!
Do you have plans already for next games? You were thinking of going more into the duck game I read?
Can't wait to see what you come up with next, and I hope you have a great Birthday!! < :D
Phew, I may take a bit of a break -at least from something as big as Dinomelt, hahah!-, but I'll be taking some time to spread Dinomelt around, and even get back to animating a little before defining potential game projects.
Thanks Guy!! ;D