Hello coolibert life-forms from Newgrounds!
While I haven't uploaded much in these last months, (but a few loops) I can tell this has been a pretty productive year in terms of animation, SO, I wanted to share my first animation REEL (including a track by Mc-Jimmy):
It took ages to finally settle with a final version; most of the works on it are NATA entries and Loopdeloops, although there are some Uni works and slightly older things aswell.
Right now, as a small end-of-the-year challenge, I'm working on a little short to close up the year, so stay tuned for a winter-ish adventure of the surreal kind, it won't be finished for christmas; but hopefully will be done before the year 2015. (microscopic-spoiler-pic)
Here's the last LoopdeLoop I made (with the theme of GO)
Also, I've been uploading some little Gifs-loops-things on Tumblr aswell!AWRF!
Love your stuff, keep up the great work!
Thanks a lot man!
(Woah, just found out about SUPER Chibi knight!, I played the original back in the day, I'll be keeping an eye :))