Dinosaurs and racoons from Newgrounds:
At last I submitted something for NATA 2014 -> 'Save the Sock'
It was made with really few time. I couldn't get a 'good' idea to fit the theme until the final week.
At the end, I made the whole animation in a melting time bucket of 3 days, (with classes inbetween and barely any sleep) BUT, it was worthwile to get back with a new non-loop (and a bit more surreal) animation.
AND...after years of uploading animated slug brains, I finally got a DAILY FIRST!! (whoo-)
There's something interesting (and relatively 'adrenalynic') on making a short with so few time, It really forces you to think fast and choose the minimum amount of things to do to make the short actually "work". This time I did the whole character animation before doing any of the additional things like backgrounds, 'effects' and sound (which maybe took the smallest bit of time, probably the final 3-4 hours). Although next time I expect to put some more attention to detail.
If I manage to enter next round, you may expect some new animated lobster burritos (same thing if I don't, hopefully).

congrats on the daily first! I know what you mean about working with short time spans, it gets pretty intense when it's down to the wire